Wednesday 19 February 2014

Stay inspired

Create a poster to inspire you
It's all good and well saying you're going to stay positive and happy but sometimes we need some encouragement, some inspiration to keep us going!
You can do this in so many ways. Tell a family member or friend - I told my boyfriend and if I ever start to get annoyed at something he reminds me to stay positive. It really does help having that encouragement from someone to keep you going. You may also inspire them to do the same.

Find a quote you love or make one up to suit you and print it off - Stick it on your wall or keep it in your purse, that way you can always remind yourself to love and stay positive. Or make a list on your phone to look through when you wake up in the morning.
Set reminders - Got an exam or deadline coming up soon, set a reminder on your phone saying something such as 'Stop all those negative thoughts' or 'Don't worry be happy'. I like to do this and it always puts a smile on my face.

I'm not trying to make out that being positive is really hard, it's not at all. But there's always going to be a day when you want to cry and give up. If there is, then take a look at that list you made on your phone and ask yourself what will cheer you up? Never lose hope in yourself, you're on a journey. If you make a mistake then you will learn from it and grow.
Keep a journal, write down your thoughts hopes and dreams. It's a great way to end the day!

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