
My name is Evie Wilde.

Welcome to my blog.

I 'm determined to create myself, embrace life and live it. By that I mean take every day as it is, a day to enjoy, not to waste. When I wake up every morning I ask myself 'What can I do to make today great?' How many of you wake up miserable about the thought of school or whatever it you maybe that day? Why bother, you have to go to school so why not enjoy yourself.

What I'm saying may sound odd, but really try and be as positive as you can. Please yourself, love yourself and your life (you only have one). I just thought, enough is enough. I want to really (and I mean really) love my life. I'm choosing to wake up every day, I'm choosing to go to University so why not make that a great experience. It may sound silly but it's true, I never use to wake up and seize the day, I never use to want to get up at all.

I want to love who I am. By that I don't be mean self obsessed, I mean look past my flaws, I don't have very good skin, my hair isn't exactly how I want it... But so what, I might as well love it. What's the point in not?
Imagine you are your own best friend and would do anything to please yourself...
That's how I live my life. Obviously something there's things that you have to do that you may not enjoy. But just stay positive.

Just love life!

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