Tuesday 18 February 2014

It's your life, live it - New me...

I don't actually know if anyone's reading or remotely interested in my blog, which makes writing it much easier. This year is my year. So far so much good has come from it and it's only the middle of February. One of the things which is making it seem so great is me.
Well my new attitude. 
Lets face it, we all worry, beat ourselves up and get miserable this time of the year. But what's the point? I've decided that there is no point. Why get upset over little things that you can't change. You only have one life, do you really want to spend a minute of that life unhappy? Well I'm not saying you can't ever be upset, but I'm going to try to be positive and happy. What I'm saying may seem silly, of cause we should be positive and happy? But how many of you wake up in the morning and think 'What can I do to make today great?' or 'I'm going to be positive to every task I face today'. I never use to. Though I do now. This is your life. You get up for a reason every morning? What's that reason? Find out and embrace it? I want to get the most out of my life. I don't want to look back at this year and remember being sad and bored, but positive and happy!

How I'm making changes:
- Each morning when I wake up I tell myself that today's going to be great as long as I stay positive.
- What to do with the day? Think about it? It's your life, you can do whatever you want so what do you want to do today?
- Exercise. This month I've been exercising every day, I go for at least a half an hour walk and make sure I do a workout in my room. I cannot believe how amazing it makes you feel, not only does it help your body and mind but your skin loves it!
- Water, water, water. Don't get me wrong, I love a can of Pepsi Max but other than that I drink mostly water. Again, your skin will love you!
- Seize the day! Wake up early every little while and make the most of the day. Whatever that maybe. Go for a walk and watch the sun rise, do a workout routine before school, it's up to you.
- Eat healthy! Obviously (me included) we all love the odd chocolate bar here and there! But try to think about what you're fuelling your body with. One McDonalds cheese burger won't make you unhealthy but having them often will.
- "Be the change you wish to see in the world". I adore this quote. I don't drink cow's milk because I think it's cruel (did you know that cow's have to be pregnant in order to produce milk). So I don't drink it, I'm being the change I wish to see in the world...

And remember it's never too late. Be your own best friend, if you want to do something or go somewhere, go enjoy yourself and your life. I would love to move to Australia when I'm older - So I will. You only have one life, live it your way.

I've decided to change my blog around a bit. I want to show you my lifestyle, thoughts and myself.
I hope you enjoy.

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