Thursday 6 March 2014

Mistakes are meant to be made

I love the idea of my blog as 'my space'. It's like a small haven where I can get away and write about things I enjoy, things I'm passionate about and my journey. I find writing down my thoughts and feeling so useful. That's kind of what I feel my blog is like. I pick a topic or something close to my heart and I write what I feel. Putting my opinion on the internet is scary, you're going to be judged no matter what but hey, why shouldn't I express who I am in a way which I enjoy.

No matter how you live your life you're going to be judged. So you might as well live it your way.

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are hard to forget. I constantly find myself re-living those moments in my mind, and feeling disgusted with who I was. Luckily, I catch myself out and tell myself to stop. We have all made mistakes but we shouldn't punish ourselves over them. In my opinion the past is the past and it's this moment right now that you should be focused on.
When we make a mistake we should think about what we've done. We should realise the fault we made and learn from that. Then forget it ever happened. No one wants to be judged on the things they're done wrong in the past, so don't judge yourself. You're always going to make mistakes, they're there to learn from. For this moment and future moments.
If you constantly beat yourself up over something then that's not fair on you or others around you.
If your mistake had something to do with hurting someone else then tell them you're sorry. Tell them that everybody makes mistakes.

I've made plenty of mistakes and I'm not proud to admit that. But those mistakes have made me a better person today, in this moment. That's what matters, the person you are right now. You should live for this moment because the future is uncertain and the past is gone. Do things that make you happy but don't forget that everything you do has a consequence.

Forgive yourself and forgive others. Because life's too short to live with regret.

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